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E-ISSN : 2148-9696
Crescent Journal of
Medical and Biological Sciences
Apr 2025, Vol 12, Issue 2
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Original Article
Impact of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Quercetin on Protection of Testis Against Cyclophosphamide-Related Damage
Morteza Abdi1, Hadi Karimzadeh1, Amirreza Jourabchi1, Sanam Azarhoosh1, Homa Aminzadeh Ghavifekr1, Hamraz Pazoki2, Maryam Bilabari3, Mahdi Esmaeili3, Leila Roshangar3
1Student research committee, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
2Clinical research development unit of Tabriz Valiasr Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
3Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

DOI: 10.34172/cjmb.2025.3802
Viewed : 148 times
Downloaded : 144 times.

Keywords : cyclophosphamide, Testis damage, Sperm Parameters, Quercetin
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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of transplantation of mesenchyme stem cells derived from bone marrow and quercetin on the oxidation markers, hormonal profile of testosterone, and morphometric testis and sperm parameters in adult mice poisoned with the antineoplastic drug cyclophosphamide (CTX).

Materials and Methods: All 25 mice were divided into five groups control, CTX group received CTX (150 mg/kg), quercetin + CTX group received IP injections of quercetin (75 mg/kg /daily) for 14 days, and CTX (150 mg/kg), CTX + bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) also received CTX and, 24 hours after the administration of CTX, approximately 1 × 106 BMMSCs were injected carefully into each testis of mice. Quercetin + CTX + BMMSCs group received quercetin and CTX (as in group quercetin + CTX), and BMMSCs were injected into each testis of the animals. Thirty-five days after the last injection of BMMSCs, blood samples were taken to gain serum and assess the testosterone level, and histopathological, biochemical, and sperm parameters analyses were performed.

Results: CTX led to testicular tissue damage and reduced the Johnson score and diameters of the seminiferous tube in the CTX group (P < 0.05). Also, the level of Antioxidant enzyme and testosterone was notably reduced in the CTX group (P < 0.05). The count and sperm quality were decreased significantly in the CTX group (P < 0.05). Administration of quercetin led to an increase in the level of testosterone and antioxidant enzymes and improved sperm parameters.

Conclusions: The present study shows the administration of quercetin can protect the testicle against CTX-related damage and improve oxidative stress damage and sperm parameters.


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Articles by Abdi M
Articles by Karimzadeh H
Articles by Jourabchi A
Articles by Azarhoosh S
Articles by Pazoki H
Articles by Bilabari M
Articles by Esmaeili M
Articles by Roshangar L


Articles by Morteza Abdi
Articles by Hadi Karimzadeh
Articles by Amirreza Jourabchi
Articles by Sanam Azarhoosh
Articles by Hamraz Pazoki
Articles by Maryam Bilabari
Articles by Mahdi Esmaeili
Articles by Leila Roshangar

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