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E-ISSN : 2148-9696
Crescent Journal of
Medical and Biological Sciences
Jul 2021, Vol 8, Issue 3
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Original Article
Morphometric Assessment of Cerebellum in Sudanese Population Using MRI
Hajer Alriah1,3, Samih Kajoak2, Hamid Osman1, Nahlaa Faizo2, Alaa Ahmed3, Caroline. E. Ayad1
1College of Medical Radiological Sciences, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan
2Department of Diagnostic Radiology Sciences, College of Medical Applied Sciences, Taif University, KSA
3Algad International College for Applied Medical Science, KSA

CJMB 2021; 8: 235-239

Viewed : 2245 times
Downloaded : 1652 times.

Keywords : Cerebellum, MRI, Sudanese
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Objectives: Evaluating the influence of gender and age on cerebellum is significant for pathophysiological studies of degenerative brain disorders. This study aimed to evaluate the growth rate of the cerebellum in the normal brain in Sudanese population.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed at Modern Medical Center, Alia Specialist Hospital and Wad Medani Modern Medical Center, Sudan from 2017 to 2019. The data of 100 normal individuals with an age range of 3 months to 80 years old (males: 42%) were evaluated. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed for all participants after applying the standard cerebellum protocol. Individuals with anomalies or abnormalities that may affect the posterior fossa were excluded. Measurement of all regions was performed in the screen monitor of MRI machine and statistically analyzed using SPSS Software version 16.

Results: The mean of the right hemisphere width, right hemisphere length, left hemisphere width, left hemisphere length, maximum hemisphere width, maximum hemisphere length, anteroposterior width, and anteroposterior length was 4.38, 4.88, 4.46, 4.42, 9.73, 6.42, 4.88, and 3.54, respectively, implying that the measurement variability was important.

Conclusions: There was s statistically significant correlation between cerebellum measurement with gender in left hemisphere width and maximum hemisphere width (P = 0.05 and P = 0.07, respectively). Also, there was a significant age-related reduction in left hemisphere width and length (P = 0.001 and P = 0.05, respectively).


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Articles by Alriah H
Articles by Kajoak S
Articles by Osman H
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Articles by Hajer Alriah
Articles by Samih Kajoak
Articles by Hamid Osman
Articles by Nahlaa Faizo
Articles by Alaa Ahmed
Articles by Caroline. E. Ayad

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