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E-ISSN : 2148-9696
Crescent Journal of
Medical and Biological Sciences
Jul 2020, Vol 7, Issue 3
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Original Article
Collagen I Gel Increases the Osteogenic Potential of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
Hossein Kalarestaghy1,2, Hajar Shafaei1,3, Raheleh Farahzadi4, Parviz Vahedi5, Mohamad Amin Dolathkhah3, Abbas Del Azar6, Nahid Karimian Fathi1
1Stem Cell Research Centre, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
2Research Laboratory for Embryology and Stem Cells, Department of Anatomical Sciences and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
3Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
4Hematology and Oncology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
5Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Maragheh University of Medical Sciences, Maragheh, Iran
6Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

CJMB 2020; 7: 373-381

Viewed : 3366 times
Downloaded : 3028 times.

Keywords : Osteogenesis, Adipose-derived stem cells, Platelet-rich plasma, Collagen I gel
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Objectives: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) have osteogenic potential. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an alternative natural replacement for osteogenic growth factors. The present study evaluated the combinatory effect of human PRP (hPRP) and collagen I (Col I) gels on the osteogenic potential of ASCs.

Materials and Methods: In current experimental research, the extracted ASCs from the pararenal fat pad, at passage 3 were used for the experiments. The osteoinductive potential of ASCs was examined by culturing the cells in cell culture media supplemented with 10% hPRP, 10% Col I, and 10% hPRP/Col I. Finally, metabolic activity, osteoblast differentiation, and mineralization were assessed through the MTT method, alkaline phosphatase assay, Von Kossa method, and staining of osteocalcin (OCN) immunocytochemistry, respectively.

Results: Based on the results, 10% hPRP gel, 10% Col I gel, and 10% hPRP/Col I gel increased the metabolic activity and proliferation of ASCs (P < 0.05). In addition, the activity of alkaline phosphatase in ASCs, supplemented with 10% hPRP/Col I gel was extremely higher compared to the other groups on days 7 and 14 (P < 0.05). Further, calcified nodules were evident on day 14 after the osteogenic stimulation of ASCs which were cultured in 10% hPRP/Col I gel. Eventually, positive OCN expression was detected in 10% hPRP/Col I gel on days 7 and 14.

Conclusions: These findings indicated that the combination of hPRP and Col I gels provides a natural biomaterial for increasing the proliferation and osteoblast differentiation of ASCs.


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Articles by Kalarestaghy H
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Articles by Hajar Shafaei
Articles by Raheleh Farahzadi
Articles by Parviz Vahedi
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