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E-ISSN : 2148-9696
Crescent Journal of
Medical and Biological Sciences
Jan 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1
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Original Article
Comparison of the Attitudes of Second and Fourth Year Nursing Students towards Hospitalized Elderly
Fatemeh Shojaei, Nasrin Masoumi
Department of Nursing Education, Abhar School of Nursing, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

CJMB 2014; 1: 013-017

Viewed : 3276 times
Downloaded : 2788 times.

Keywords : Attitude, Elderly, Nursing Students
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Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the attitude of second and fourth year nursing students towards the elderly hospitalized in training hospitals of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. With regard to the change of attitude from second year to fourth year, strategies for health promotion, better service for the hospitalized elderly, and different trainings for nursing students were offered.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. The subjects were selected by census and included 57 second-year nursing students and 33 fourth-year students of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. Data collection tool consisted of a questionnaire including two parts. The first part included questions about general and demographical characteristics, and the second part contained McLafferty’s attitude towards the elderly questionnaire.

Results: Despite the more positive attitude of the fourth year students toward caring for the elderly compared with the second year students, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Based on the findings and in examining the effects of multiple variables on the attitude of students, multiple regression model was used. The final model showed that education site (P < 0.039), gender (P < 0.052), age (P < 0.057), and experience in working with elderly (P < 0.057) (close to the significance level) can be predictors of the attitudes of students towards the elderly.

Conclusion: The results confirmed that the formal education struggled to make changes in the students’ attitude towards the elderly during their second year to fourth year. Due to the existence of a neutral attitude in the second and fourth year students and the lack of difference in attitude between the two groups, to improve and create a positive attitude towards the elderly, more educational opportunities for nursing students should be created. Professors and students, while increasing their knowledge about aging processes, should define appropriate care models for the elderly and help them along with the students.


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