10 record(s) found. |
The Effects of Honey and Cinnamon Mixture on Improving the Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Dawood Aghamohammadi1, Solmaz Fakhari2, Eissa Bilehjani3, Shiva Hassanzadeh4
Status of Breast Self-Examination Performance among Women Referring to Health Centers of Tabriz, Iran Azizeh Farshbaf-Khalili1, Mahnaz Shahnazi1, Leila Vahed2, Leila Javadi3
The Prevalence of Andropause Symptoms and the Role of Social Determinants of Health on its Severity in Healthy Men: A Community-based Study in Northwest Iran Sevil Hakimi1, Lale Ghasemi2, Mojghan Mirghafourvand1, Kamaleddin Hasanzadeh3, Fatemeh Ghasemi2
Comparison of Methods of RNA Extraction From Breast and Gastric Cancer Tissues Seyed Amin Norollahi1,Parviz Kokhaee2,Ali Rashidy-Pour4,Vida Hojati1,Seyedeh Elham Norollahi4,Laleh Vahedi Larijani6,Ali Akbar Samadani3
Studying the Relationship Between Hypothyroidism and Breast Cancer Sevda Jenabzadeh1,Babak Abri Aghdam1
A Randomized Controlled Trial Regarding the Effectiveness of Group Counseling on Self-efficacy in Mastectomized Women Monireh Hamed Bieyabanie1,Sakineh Mohammad-Alizadeh Charandabi2,Mojgan Mirghafourvand2
Comparison of the Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Acupressure in Reducing Hot Flashes in Breast Cancer Survivors Shadi Khanipour1,Sevil Hakimi2,Roghayye Nourizade1,Reza Eghdamzamiri3,Mahsa Salimi Namin4
The Effect of Decision Aid on Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors Based on Theory of Stage of Change: An Interventional Study Zivar Akbari1,Esmat Mehrabi1,Mojgan Mirghafourvand2,Roghayeh Nourizadeh1
Evaluating the Relationship Between Structural Determinants of Health and Quality of Sexual Life in Women: A Systematic Review Marzieh Bagherinia1,Mahrokh Dolatian2,Zoherh Mahmoodi3,Giti Ozgoli2,Hamid Alavi Majd4
Predictors of Illness Perception Among Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Masoumeh Safdari-Molan1,Esmat Mehrabi1,Reza Eghdam Zamiri2,Roghaiyeh Nourizadeh1,Sevil Hakimi1