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E-ISSN : 2148-9696
Crescent Journal of
Medical and Biological Sciences
Jul 2019, Vol 6, Issue 3
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Letters to Editor
Reflections on Women"s Health and Status in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Nazdar Qudrat1, Dilshad Jaff 2
1University of Garmian, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Iraq
2University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

CJMB 2019; 6: 418-419

Viewed : 6769 times
Downloaded : 4715 times.

Keywords : Women health, Female genital mutilation/cutting, Mental health
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This letter to the editor addresses some of the shortcomings and limitations of a recently published article entitled "Women"s Health and Status in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Review" by Shabila and Al-Hadithi in the Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences. The present review failed to highlight the developments that have been made in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in the last decades. In addition, little is reported about mental health in the article while accessing effective and culturally appropriate mental health services is considered as one of the biggest challenges that Kurdish women face in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Therefore, systematic documentation of the women" status was agreed to be important for improving the health of women in this region. Such reports and reviews should conscientiously and deliberately seek for capturing the depth and scope of the women"s health status in order to help public health, along with medical and political leaders to make progress towards achieving the intended goal.

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